Racism in America

Racism in America

5 videos from black folx that tell it like it is

Sonya Renee Taylor, Van Jones, Trevor Noah, and Luvvie Ajayi Jones have recently spoken out in the wake of George Floyd's death and the resulting protests that continue to sweep through America.

The sentiments shared in every single one of these videos are paramount to understanding not only our current situation and what has gotten us to this point, but racism in America – specifically towards black bodies. These videos discuss material forms of capital that are prized over black lives, why destroying capital is part and parcel of dismantling systemic and institutionalised forms of oppression, what Amy Cooper says about the larger white liberal community, the inherent understanding that whiteness can be weaponised against black people, how to be a better ally, and why you are guaranteed to loose friends if you are doing it right. Watch them. And then watch them again. And then share them. And then share them again.


Original artwork created exclusively for YEOJA Mag by Estela Suarez